Boost Performance Today, Great Performance Tomorrow
Deliver top application performance while minimizing development, tuning and testing time and effort. Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2013 provides C, C++ and Fortran developers cutting edge tools for applications running on today and tomorrow’s IA-compatible processors and coprocessors.
For developers interested in a single language, save money by using Intel® C++ Studio XE and Intel® Fortran Studio XE.
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Industry-leading application performance that scales as processor core count and vector width increase
Efficiently scale on tomorrow’s hardware while preserving investment in existing code
Compatible with leading development environments
Acclaimed C++ and Fortran Compilers and Libraries
Intel® Composer XE 2013 is a performance-oriented developer tool that includes Intel C++ and Fortran compilers, and threading, math, multimedia and signal processing performance libraries.
Industry-leading Intel® C++ and Fortran compilers are up to 146% faster than alternatives and compatible with Microsoft Visual C++* and gcc*.
Intel® Cilk™ Plus and Intel® Threading Building Blocks 4.1 provide parallelism models to make it easier to take advantage of today and tomorrow’s high-performance computing systems.
Industry-leading Intel® Math Kernel Library 11.0 and Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives 7.1 include a wealth of routines to improve performance and cut development time.
Compatible with leading development environments and compilers on Windows*, Linux* and Mac OS* X.